If you or a family member has been seriously injured as a result of another’s negligence or recklessness.
If you or a family member has been seriously injured as a result of another’s negligence or recklessness, you could be facing. Remeber that, You have a right!
In exchange for our attorney’s fee your case will receive the professional attention of Dixit Law Firm’s attorneys, experienced in handling claims at all stages of litigation.
In exchange for our attorney’s fee your case will receive the professional attention of Dixit Law Firm’s attorneys, experienced in handling claims at all stages of litigation.
In exchange for our attorney’s fee your case will receive the professional attention of Dixit Law Firm’s attorneys, experienced in handling claims at all stages of litigation.
In exchange for our attorney’s fee your case will receive the professional attention of Dixit Law Firm’s attorneys, experienced in handling claims at all stages of litigation.
1- لاعادة التيارالكهربائى2- لاعاده توصيل حرارة التليفون3- لاعادة توصيل المياه انه فى يوم …………… الموافق…… /…../ ……بناء على طلب السيد /……………………..المقيم ……………ومحله المختار مكتب الاستاذ /………….. المحامى الكائن فى ………..انا……….....
انه فى يوم …………… الموافق…… /…../ ……بناء على طلب كل من :1) السيد /……………………..المقيم ……………2) السيد /……………………..المقيم ……………( كل الشركاء فى المال)والجميع محلهم المختار مكتب الاستاذ /……… المحامى الكائن فى...